Thursday, July 30, 2009


i was tagged by the beautiful ashley with the Honest Scrap award. i thought i'd indulge this thursday afternoon as i watch the clock slowly go.

the rules:
1. list 10 honest things about yourself that your friends don't know. (this will be pretty hard since i'm very transparent and have no problem spilling my darkest secrets as you all well know)
2. give the award to 7 bloggers.
3. let them know they've received the award.

here goes nothing.

1. i have big dreams. i want to do all the following:
-doing missionary work for an extended length of time
-open a card/stationary/gift/anthro/art store/tea shop
-have 4 children (after i get married...duh!)
-travel extensively

2. i don't believe in capitalization.

3. i am starting a book club in dallas this fall. our first date is september 8th. book to be determined. let me know if you're interested in attending!

4. i absolutely adore my job & my co-workers. i'm blessed beyond belief everyday to work with such amazing people.

5. i secretly want to be in the secret service. i feel like i've talked about this before on the blog but i love anything presidential.

6. i'm the world's worst speller. if fact, spell check already had to correct 4 words i've already written to this point.

7. i'm literally addicted to tetris on my iphone. i even gave it up for lent. then after easter, i starting playing again.

8. i think my favorite movies are the oceans 11-13 trilogy

9. i have an internal radar for the following fast-food places: chick-fil-a & sonic. if you need to find one, just let me know and i'll point you in the right direction.

10. i'm lactose intolerant but i self-diagnosed myself. get this i hate milk, can't eat lots of ice cream, but i LOVE cheese. it's complicated, okay.

okay now i tag -

1. amy duncan
2. anna ferris
3. amy a.
4. besco
5. jessica hendrickson
6. kira
7. boho

okay, your turn!

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