Well I found an article on "energy zappers" and found five things that might contribute to my lack of energy & how I can fix it. Maybe these will help you too!
1) Have breakfast...even if you don't feel hungry.
2) Drink more water
3) Cut back on TV and computer time after p.m. - This one is important to me because I literally am on my computer until 15 minutes before I go to bed and that's the night I don't fall asleep to my TV!
4) Give your pet her own separate sleeping space - oh wait, you mean to tell me that when I'm crunch in the corner of my queen sized bed because Madison is literally sleeping on top of me it could disrupt my sleep?
5) Get your exercise - I need to do this because I am a lazyyyy girl.
I'll commit to this & see if it makes a difference. Please let me know if you have any picker-ups for those mid-day slumps!